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The Men of Anderas I: Jardan, the King Page 15

  Melodie took her seat between JarDan and his father. These tall, powerful men who once scared her spitless, now offered safety and security. For so many years she was the one who had to be strong; who had to do the chores and pay the bills. In the dark of night, when she was too tired or too worried about money to sleep, she would dream of a man -- strong and caring -- who would take part of the burden from her shoulders.

  You’ve found such a man. There was that voice again, but this time she listened -- really listened -- and she had to agree. Now, what to do about it. She glanced at JarDan and found him watching her with that same dark, hungry look she recognized as desire since she was quite sure she looked at him the same way. Locking her gaze with his, she smiled slowly, trying to tell him with her expression that things between them were about to change. JarDan’s ragged gasp told her he got her message loud and clear.

  JarDan fought the urge to grab Melodie and carry her somewhere private while he struggled to breathe and swallow. He couldn’t allow himself to believe what her eyes and smiles were telling him. Under other, normal circumstances, he would think his wife was issuing him a most erotic invitation. The kind of invitation he lay awake at night dreaming about until his body throbbed, hard and aching.

  Forcing his mind away from the uncomfortable swelling in his pants, he focused on the meal placed before him. Only then did he realize that there was no plate for Melodie. That unacceptable breach of etiquette sent his shaky control right out the window.

  “Why has the princess not been served?” His clipped demand stopped several of the kitchen stall in mid-stride. Finally, one of the women stepped forward to answer.

  “We were told not to serve Princess Melodie, Sire.”

  “By whose orders?” JarDan’s thunderous voice bounced off the rafters, bringing a sudden, unnatural silence to the Great Hall. “Go! Bring him to me! Now!”

  The frightened woman did no more than turn toward the kitchen area when Phillip entered carrying a magnificent silver tray. “It was by my orders, Prince JarDan, and there was no insult intended. This is a special meal for your princess tonight.”

  With a great flourish, the stocky cook placed the tray on the table in front of Melodie and lifted the lid. There, on a silver plate, was the strangest meal JarDan had ever seen. Before he could question his cook, Melodie gasped and burst into tears.

  “What is the meaning of this, Phillip?” JarDan demanded as he pulled her into his arms. From the back recesses of his conscience, he was aware of his guards coming to their feet, swords drawn to protect their princess.

  “It’s okay, JarDan,” Melodie mumbled against his chest between sobs. When she pushed away, he handed her a napkin to wipe the tears from her face. “He made me a hamburger,” she whispered as more tears slipped down her face, “and French fries.”

  She was crying again and JarDan looked to his father for guidance. Melodie never cried unless she was furiously angry. All his father gave him was another shrug. Great. For thirty-five years he’s told you what to do and now that you ask for help, he’s silent as a rock.

  “That doesn’t look like the hamburgers I’ve seen on Earth.” He was still skeptical. The pile of meat, bread and garden greens seemed unworthy of such an emotional outburst.

  “This isn’t Earth and I think it’s perfect.” Wiping her nose and eyes on the damp napkin, she turned to Phillip with a smile that could light up the entire castle. “Thank you.” She whispered. “I know who did this. Please tell him to consider the debt paid in full.”

  At her cryptic message Phillip bowed and left the hall. JarDan motioned for his men to resume their meal since there was no threat.

  “Will you explain what this is about?” He tried to keep his voice calm, but he was still upset over her tears and more than a little jealous of the smile she bestowed on his cook.

  “It was in payment of a debt.” She answered with another of those illuminating smiles.

  That’s all she was going to say? Payment of a debt? He couldn’t pursue the matter any further because his unpredictable wife was devouring her dinner with all the delicacy of a pig. Obviously she wasn’t too nervous to eat this hamburger. For the past three weeks, he watched her pick at her meals -- too afraid of doing something she thought was wrong to relax enough to eat. It was a wonder to him that she hadn’t lost weight the way she didn’t eat. She glanced up at him with eyes that sparkled until she noticed he wasn’t eating -- just staring at her.

  “Do you want a bite?” She asked, holding the strange lump in his direction.

  I want a bite of you. Instead of speaking, he took his napkin and wiped the grease from her chin. “No, love,” he whispered, “you enjoy your special treat.”

  With another of those heart-stopping grins -- by the Beard of the Prophet when did she start smiling like that? -- she quickly finished her meal. He must have eaten something because his plate was empty; but he wasn’t aware of anything but the happiness that radiated from the remarkable woman next to him. He couldn’t go on much longer sleeping away from her. He wanted her -- needed her -- too badly to maintain this unnatural celibacy. When she leaned back in her chair with a deep sigh, JarDan expected to rupture a seam in his pants. The sight of her breasts pushing against her gown made his mouth dry.

  “That was wonderful.” She breathed. “Now I feel like a big, lazy cat. All I want to do is curl up and go to sleep.”

  She flashed him a shy smile so different from the previous ones that he went on instant alert. “Would you like to join me for a nap?”

  For the space of a heartbeat, JarDan couldn’t breathe. After that, his heart pounded too hard to think about breathing.

  “Be careful how you tease, Melodie. My control has limits and I fear I’m very near the end of them.” He had to be reading more into her question than was there. He couldn’t let himself jump to conclusions. The reality was too hard to bear.

  “I’m not teasing.” Her voice was barely audible above the normal sounds of the hall, but he heard her as clear and loud as the steeple bells on the church in the hamlet.

  Closing his eyes, he silently begged for strength to deal with this change in his wife. When he opened his eyes again, she was still staring at him. There was a little fear, a little apprehension in her gaze but nothing that would suggest she didn’t mean exactly what she said. With a trembling hand, JarDan stroked the shining mass of midnight black hair that flowed down her back and pooled on the floor around her chair.

  “I want you more than anything in the world.” His voice was harsh with need.

  She gave him another of those smiles that could buckle his knees and reached over and clasped his hand. His heart stopped when she suddenly frowned and looked around her. No. Please don’t back away from me now.

  “What will everyone say if we leave now?”

  She still worried about what people thought about her, and she probably always would. He knew that in time she would make a place for herself here. It would take time before she had the confidence to actually be the Princess of Tor.

  “Come, my love,” he urged her to stand with him, “they will think what they will. I can’t control their thoughts.”

  Bidding Zeth and Dak a quiet good night, he led his wife upstairs to the room they shared -- but hadn’t shared -- in all the weeks of their marriage. He dismissed ArDell as soon as they entered the bedroom. Melodie wouldn’t need a maid tonight. Her husband was more than willing to perform the duties of a lady’s maid just for the pleasure of undressing his bride.

  She pulled her hand from his and stepped to the window. He waited, knowing she was dealing with this new development in their relationship and prayed she wasn’t having second thoughts. He would never force his way into her bed, but he was seriously questioning the strength of this control. When she finally turned to face him, there was a sheen of tears in her eyes and he braced himself for her rejection.

  “I don’t remember much about that night on the Destiny. Just bits and snatches most
ly. Because of that drug, I don’t know how much was real. I wake up at night and I want … I don’t know what I want; but I know that whatever it is you’re the only one who can give it to me. Does that make sense to you?”

  JarDan felt a knife-sharp pain in his chest. Sex. Her body remembered and cried out for fulfillment but not because she cared but because he awakened her needs as a woman.

  “Is that why you invited me to your bed? Because you need another lesson in what your body wants?” He couldn’t prevent the bitterness that crept into his voice.

  “No!” She cried, running across the room until she stood inches from him. “I’ve had those feelings since I came out of space sleep and I’ve managed to ignore them, for the most part. If … lust was all I felt, I could deal with it. This is different, JarDan, and I can’t fight it anymore. I don’t want to fight it anymore. I still don’t feel like this is home but I think I will one day. The one thing I’m sure of is the way I feel about you.”

  Her fingernails traced patterns in the velvet of his tunic, setting fire to the skin underneath. He knew it was her habit to fidget when she was nervous and that telltale sign helped lighten his dark mood.

  Cupping her head in his hands, he tilted her face until he could see her expression. Her eyes were the glorious dark amethyst of sunset -- a color he remembered from their one night together. He knew he couldn’t deny himself or her any longer -- he just hoped there would be no regrets in the morning.

  “I need you, Melodie.” He whispered just before his lips closed over hers. There was nothing tentative about this kiss. He was hungry for her and this kiss devoured all the sweetness of her mouth. Her arms closed around his waist, pulling him tight against her soft curves. Breaking the kiss, JarDan pulled back, grinning at her moan of protest. If he didn’t put a little distance between them, this would be over before it even started. He wanted this night to be perfect -- for both of them.

  “You have the most glorious hair.” He lifted the soft mass away from the fastenings of her gown. “Do you have any idea how many nights I’ve dreamed of spreading your hair across my pillow and wrapping myself in your silken web?”

  When her clothes were nothing more than a puddle of color on the floor, he lifted her against his chest and carried her to their bed. Quickly discarding his own clothing, he joined her. Fighting the urge to bury himself deep in Melodie’s warmth, JarDan held back. As desperate as he was to make love with her, he knew he couldn’t survive another rejection like the one onboard the Destiny.

  “Is something wrong?” Melodie asked when JarDan didn’t immediately take the initiative.

  “No, love,” he whispered, “everything is perfect.”

  “Then why did you stop kissing me? Did I do something wrong?” For weeks she avoided his touch, dodged his embrace and sidestepped his kisses. Was she wrong in thinking he wanted this as much as she did?

  “No! You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s just … are you sure this is what you want? If you tell me to stop right now, I’ll dress and leave. I couldn’t bear it if you regretted your actions in the morning.”

  Suddenly she understood his hesitance. She didn’t remember too much of the morning after he first made love to her. Fear was the one overwhelming emotion she could recall. Now, she recognized fear in JarDan. Not the fear of bodily harm -- nothing could frighten him in battle. Her husband, the man built like a football linebacker, was afraid she would reject him again. Well, Melodie Anne, you have to earn trust and you pretty much destroyed his in you. What are you going to do about it?

  “The only thing I’m going to feel in the morning is satisfied.” Pushing him onto his back, she leaned across his massive chest, rubbing the hard points of her nipples through the curling hair. “Relax my mighty warrior. This won’t hurt a bit.”

  Tracing the outline of his full mouth with the tip of her tongue, Melodie savored the taste of him. When she fused her mouth with his, her tongue urged his to join hers. Opening her mouth wider against his, she felt consumed by her need.

  “You’re wrong, love.” JarDan gasped when she finally broke their kiss. “The pain is unbearable.”

  She gasped when his powerful hands lifted her until she lay fully along the top of his body. Every soft curve of her body fit perfectly with the hard planes of his. Shifting until she could straddle his thighs, Melodie slowly pulled out of his embrace until she sat upright.

  Sliding her fingertip through the curling hair on his chest and abdomen, she slowly traced the ridges of muscle along his ribs. His groans were all the encouragement she needed. When her fingertips danced over the swollen evidence of his desire, he gasped and grabbed her wrists.

  “Have a care, Melodie.” He warned harshly. “I’m very near the end of my control.”

  Pulling free of his grip, she lifted his hands to her breasts, moaning when his calloused palms gently abraded the sensitive tips. Every man on Earth should take up sword fighting if these wonderfully erotic calluses were the results.

  Lifting her hips, Melodie pulled herself forward until the tip of his erection nestled at the entrance to her body. When he jerked and arched his back, she slid slowly down the hard length.

  “By all the Ancient Prophets,” he gasped as he grabbed her hips, “no man can survive this pleasure.”

  She wanted to go slow but the feel of him touching her womb drove her wild with need. “Next time,” she mumbled in his ear, “we can go slowly. Please, JarDan, I can’t wait.”

  He pulled her down against his chest and rolled until she was lying beneath him. Clutching handfuls of her hair, he fused his mouth with hers, his tongue imitating the act his body demanded he complete. He remembered when he said almost the same words to her that first night on his ship. Moving slow and deep, JarDan felt Melodie’s inner muscles pulse, destroying his tenuous control. His thrusts became hard and fast, driving them both over the edge into that special place where lovers lose themselves in the paradise of passion.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Dak’s impatient voice shattered JarDan’s lingering memories of his night with his delightful mate. This was one of those rare days when he wished he were just an ordinary man. As an ordinary man, he would still be snuggled close to the warmth of Melodie’s satin skin, waking her with slow kisses and husky whispers of pleasure to come.

  “By the Ancients,” Dak growled, “are you going to listen to this message or not!”

  Forcing his thoughts away from his last vision of Melodie -- asleep, her magnificent hair spread across his bed in a wild blanket of midnight -- he turned to face his father and Dak. The older man was trying desperately to control his laughter while Dak’s face was dark with undisguised frustration and a hint of humor.

  “Read the message again, Dak. I’ll try to pay proper attention this time.”

  “For weeks you walked around in a fog because your mate wouldn’t let you in her bed.” Dak continued to pace and shake his head at the mysteries of marriage. “The grin on you face this morning announced to the entire castle that you have truly mated and you still can’t think of anything except Melodie.

  “If a female ever puts me in such a predicament, I pray that one of you will run your sword through my heart! My bonding will be for producing an heir only -- and I’m in no hurry for that.”

  “The note?” JarDan didn’t want to hear Dak rant and rave about the status of married life. He knew that anything he said to his foster brother would sound patronizing. By temperament, Dak was his opposite -- quick to anger and slow to give his trust and loyalty. When Dak found his heart-mate, it would border on the cataclysmic because Dak never did anything by half measures.

  Zeth handed him the message received earlier at the communication center. He scanned its contents while Dak found a seat beside the crowded desk in the king’s study.

  Possible nursery detection! Situation monitored but I can’t be positive. Will let you know as soon as possible.

  “Were there any earlier messa
ges from Logan? Anything that hinted at a possible problem?” The message was urgent, and JarDan couldn’t imagine why Logan Taylor would wait so long to report the problem. Even the possibility of detection could mean his death.

  “No,” Zeth answered, “this is the first message with more than the usual monthly check-in sequence. There is no reason to doubt Logan’s concern on this matter. If a collection station has been discovered, we have no choice but to send a recovery unit immediately and try to avoid contact with the Earthlings.”

  The king pinned JarDan with his steady gaze. “Your bonding with Melodie may be the answer.”

  “What does Melodie have to do with any of this?” JarDan didn’t like the direction of this conversation.

  “Dak made a valid point while we waited for you to join us this morning. He asked what I thought Melodie would do in the same situation.”

  JarDan shot Dak a dark frown. “Dak has developed an unhealthy habit of discussing my wife at will. One of the local Earthlings discovered the collection station in Maine -- Logan thinks. Why would Melodie’s opinion of the discovery affect the action we decide to take? There is only one course of action -- we must close the station and get Logan out of there.”

  “I agree,” Dak argued in a calmer voice, “but Melodie is the first adult Earthling to come here in a very long time. She knows how the people of Earth will react to the discovery of an alien -- or more specifically, an alien residence filled with sleeping infants. It’s a five week trip back to Earth. Do we have a hope of getting him out of there before he’s killed by a fear-crazed mob?”

  Leaning his head against the stone window casing, JarDan acknowledged the wisdom of Dak’s theory.

  “You were there when she realized we were aliens, Dak. She was so terrified she went into shock -- and she didn’t know about the infants. I think we have to assume that Logan is in a great deal of danger.”