The Men of Anderas III: Talon, the Assassin Page 3
Talon stretched out on the cot and turned his back on the woman and the world in general. She had to be insane. There was no other reason for this ridiculous situation. She’d get tired of whatever game she was playing when he didn’t fall into line. No way was he giving in to her. He just hoped his body didn’t betray his determination. Already the tremors were working their way from his hands up his arms. Soon his whole body would shake with need and then things would get serious.
Shadow cleaned up the food he’d tossed away and kept an eye on him at the same time. She’d done all she could to prepare herself for what was coming. Kierin gave her specific instructions of what to watch for and how to help him. The other woman’s concern for Talon was the cause of her current unrest. She couldn’t find a single thing to like about Talon yet Kierin actually cried and begged her to save him. Personally, she had mixed feelings about what she was doing.
The man that earned the kind of respect and caring she witnessed from Dak and Kierin was not the huddled mass of barely human flesh across the room. His reputation as a bounty hunter was legend. He captured rather than killed and he never went after anyone not found guilty through the binding government legal system. Was there any scrap of that man still alive? Time would tell. If he proved to be as big an asshole as he appeared, then she wouldn’t bat an eye at leaving his ass in the nearest village. She was no sonofabitchin’ babysitter. But if she was wrong about him then it would be well worth the exorbitant amount of money Dak offered.
Talon’s moans were getting louder and coming almost constantly. The tremors racked his body hard enough to shake the cot. She reviewed the list of things Kierin told her to watch for. Besides the tremors there would be sweating, nausea, pain, and drastic, sometimes violent, mood swings. She felt confident she could handle what was coming unless he started convulsing or having hallucinations. Those could be serious, even deadly. Planning ahead, Shadow took an old battered pan she found behind the shack and placed it near Talon’s head. So it begins.
Chapter Four
It was finally over. She was physically exhausted. Nine days of watching the man puke and shake and sweat like a demon then cleaning him and the bed, getting ready for him to repeat the process in an unending cycle.
His nightmares would haunt her the rest of her life. She couldn’t give her brain a rest like she could her body. Even in sleep she heard him scream and curse and beg. When his tears started she came close to saying fuck it and leaving. Hard, bone-deep, racking sobs that ripped out your heart told of unbearable suffering. There was more than the loss of his sight eating at his soul. His pain tore through her control. If he could see her while he slept and wept he would see more than the blue shield she maintained in his presence—a lot more.
His breathing was relaxed and normal. He would wake soon and probably be pissed off. She didn’t want to be around when he did. Since they needed fresh meat anyway, it was the perfect excuse to leave.
Talon waited until he heard Shadow leave before rolling to a sitting position. His stomach growled but he wasn’t surprised. The last food he remembered was the plate he threw at his keeper. Shit, how many days ago was that?
He didn’t know what game she was playing but he was tired of it. Every muscle in his body ached. His head pounded and at least a dozen boars must have taken a dump in his mouth for it to taste so bad. A quick shuffle of his foot confirmed the chain was still in place. He stood on weak, shaky legs, without even the scrap of blanket to cover his nakedness but he was past worrying about modesty. He was royally pissed. Pacing to the limit of the chain he pushed past the pain and weakness. He needed to regain his strength as soon as possible because sooner or later Blue would release him. Whether he killed her outright or treated her to a dose of her own brand of torture was anybody’s guess. He walked until his legs cramped then sat until the pain stopped, repeating the cycle again and again. The only way he had to mark the passing of time was by the shifting sunlight coming through the open doorway. It was almost dark and he was now thirsty as well as hungry.
The sound of an approaching horse sent him back to the cot. At least sitting didn’t flash his dick. A naked man was extremely vulnerable. At least, he hoped Blue thought that.
“You finally hauled your ass out of bed.”
The bitch had the nerve to laugh! She’s the one who chained him to the bed! Where in hell did she think he’d be! He ignored her.
“We’ve got fresh fish and a half-dozen kava. Spotted an eldorak buck but he was as big as a small horse. We won’t be here long enough to eat that much meat or to smoke it for transport.”
He wanted to ask her when they were leaving and where they were going but pushed the questions to the back of his throat. Here she was, making conversation like they were best buddies on a freakin’ hunting trip! Besides, it was all he could do to keep the drool inside his mouth just thinking about all that meat. Her blue outline moved around the area where he remembered the fire pit stood. Hope like hell she’s cooking up some of that bounty. The sound of metal on stone confirmed she was indeed preparing a meal. He was so focused on food that it didn’t register that she stood close to him until she walked away. Way to go, dumbass. You could have made an attempt at subduing her if you’d take your head out of your ass!
“There are clean clothes and water for a quick wash. Sorry, but I don’t have any shaving equipment.”
“A sharp knife works.” He mumbled while he fumbled around trying to locate the clothes. Since he didn’t see her put them down he didn’t know where they were.
“Two feet to the right and half a foot straight ahead.”
Her directions were perfect. He located the pile of clothes and the bucket of water which he carried back to his corner. With his back to her, he quickly scooped water into his mouth before splashing more over his face. The fact that the water was warm surprised him. After giving his armpits and groin a quick rinse, he slipped into the sun-warmed pants and shirt. He honestly couldn’t remember the last time he’d bothered with laundry. What was the point—he just got dirty again.
“After we eat, we need to talk.”
You got that right, Blue. You’re gonna tell me why the hell you kidnapped me and hauled my ass out here to who knows where. Then we’re gonna talk about how you’re takin’ me right back where you found me before you disappear from my life—forever.
The smell of roasting meat and frying fish filled the small room and just about made him crazy. He didn’t know how much longer he could keep up the silent treatment. Fuck it! Silence wouldn’t fill his empty gut.
“Smells good.” He muttered, half-way hoping she didn’t hear him.
“It’s nothin’ fancy but there’s plenty of it and it fills a hole.”
This time he paid attention to where she placed the plate and was able to retrieve it without stumbling around. The succulent flesh of the fried fish practically melted off the bone. He groaned at the first bite. He couldn’t remember when food tasted so good and picked every bit of flesh from the bones before starting on the kava.
“There’s a skin of water and a cup of tea about six inches to the left of the cot.” Shadow’s voice was so close to him she actually startled him. Shit! How does she do that? I didn’t feel the slightest shift in the air when she moved. “How about something stronger?”
“No way in hell are you getting close to a drink. Stupid sombitch, you damned near died drying out. You’re out of your fuckin’ mind if you think I’m going through that shit again.”
“What the hell made you think I wanted to dry out?” Talon yelled, tossing the plate of bones to the floor. “I didn’t ask you to drag me out here so whatever shit you went through was self-inflicted! Just where do you get off interfering in my life?”
“Instead of yelling like a demented fool, you should be thanking me! I nursed you through the puke and the pissin’ all over yourself and the shakes. You would have died without me!”
“If you had left me the hell alone I wouldn’t
have been sick!” Talon reached for the infuriating woman but was pulled up short by the chain around his ankle.
“Yeah, women have heard that excuse since the first pot of honey fermented. Men—drunken asshole men—need to change the excuse! This one is worn out!”
“How the hell would you know what women hear? You have to be a woman to know that and I don’t see anything feminine about you! You have a mouth nastier than any miner I’ve ever met; you stomp around like a one-legged sailor and you stink like a ditch digger after a long day in the sun.”
Some miniscule part of Talon’s brain registered a brief flash of dark green before it disappeared behind the constant blue aura but he was too focused on his argument to give it any thought.
“I want to know why you did this! Right now! So spit it out, Blue!”
“Fine! You want answers? You want to know why? There’s only one fuckin’ reason I’d come within smelling distance of you!” Her temper was as hot as his. “You talk about how I smell when you hadn’t bathed or changed clothes in weeks—or months! I godsdamned didn’t do it because I cared what happened to your sorry ass! I was PAID, Talon, and paid well!”
Her announcement stopped his ranting cold. “Who would do that? An assassin doesn’t make friends. It’s bad for business. No one I know would toss half a coin in the gutter to watch me grovel for it. You’re a lying bitch.”
“And your mother sucks green donkey dicks!”
“Leave my mother out of this and what the hell is a donkey?” He was surprised. His temper ran flaming hot; yet one stupid comment and he actually wanted to grin.
“It’s a short, fat, funny lookin’ piece of shit animal. Looks kinda like a small horse, only stubborn.”
“And their dicks are green?” He couldn’t hold back the grin this time especially when he heard the humor in her voice.
“Fuck no! It’s just something I heard from a couple of soldiers on Earth a few years ago. I just liked the way it sounds.”
Now that his anger was no longer ruling his head—and tongue—he walked back to his cot and sat down. He’d have a civilized conversation with the irritating woman if it killed him. He wanted more answers.
“So who paid you to kidnap me?” He asked, surprised when she pulled a chair closer to his cot and sat down.
“Your friends, Dak and Kierin!”
Shock kept him momentarily speechless. “Wha…why…why would they do that?” He managed to force the words from his suddenly tight throat.
“They’re worried about you. Actually, Kierin is worried. Dak knows what demons you fight and just wants to help.”
If Dak wanted to help why didn’t he kill me like I asked?
“I don’t need or want their help so they wasted their money and you wasted your time. Consider this the end of your assignment.” He turned away from Shadow wishing he could turn the memories away as easily. It only took a few seconds for every nightmarish minute of his life to race through his brain. Just the mention of Dak and Kierin and every mental block he had vanished. Damn! There will be bad dreams tonight and nothing you can do will stop them. Not without a LOT of alcohol.
“If you still want to return to that fuckin’ gutter-life you had in Cypriana after I deliver Dak’s message, I’ll take you back. Personally, I don’t understand his concern. You’re nothin’ like the man he described to me. But I wasn’t paid to understand—just to deliver.”
“Then deliver your message like a good little flunky so I can go home.” There was a sick, itchy dread crawling over his skin. He wasn’t going to like what Dak had to say. Interfering, son-of-bitch wanted everyone as happy as he and Kierin. Wasn’t going to happen. Not in this lifetime.
“Dak contacted me because I have some very…unique skills. I’m a mercenary and I’m damn good at my job. Across a dozen galaxies, I’ve fought in more than a hundred battles and learned new ways of fighting—of killing—in each and every one.”
Talon jerked to face her. “You actually sound proud of that.”
“Just because there’s nothing feminine about being a soldier for hire? I’m good at what I do.”
Again, he caught the brief flash of dark green, this time it was darker—almost brown. Without the interference of a raging temper to blunt his awareness his curiosity kicked in.
“So Dak wants you to teach me how to be a soldier for hire? Filling out a job application might pose a slight problem. Of course, not being able to tell the difference between enemy and friend might be a little harder to overcome.”
“Have you always been a sarcastic bastard or is this just for my fuckin’ benefit? If it’s for me, I have to warn you that YOU ARE SERIOUSLY PISSIN’ ME THE FUCK OFF!”
He heard the deep breath she took, pulling her temper back under her control, but not before he saw another tiny flash of color. This time it was bright yellow. She was about to lose control and fighting it hard. His interest just kicked up another notch.
“You’re yelling again, Blue.” Did he just hear a knife slide from a sheath?
“I will slice your useless dick into small pieces if you don’t stop calling me that godsdamned, idiotic name.”
Talon chuckled. If Blue kept grinding her teeth she was going to crack a tooth. “You get close enough for that and you’ll be dead before you draw the first drop of blood.” He barely uttered the last word when he heard the thunk of the knife embedding itself into the wooden frame of his cot—right between his legs. Her aim was deadly accurate. The sharp edge touched his crotch and his flesh pulsed in time with the vibrating blade.
Damn! The psycho bitch was serious!
“Impressive. Is that what Dak wants me to learn?” Not by so much as a twitch of a whisker did he allow his concern to show. If she wanted to castrate him she would.
“No, jerk-ass. Dak knows I can teach you the one thing you need more than the air you breathe.”
Talon was tempted, despite every instinct warning him to run. Those brief, almost-not-there flashes of color had him intrigued. Her control over her responses was unbelievable. He wanted—no, he needed to know how she did it. He’d listen while she laid out her plans before shooting them all down. He didn’t need or want Dak’s interference.
“Well don’t keep me hanging, Blue. Just what is this unique skill that’s going to miraculously turn my fuckin’ useless life around?”
“I can show you how to kill Draagon.”
Chapter Five
“Explain,” he managed to whisper past a throat locked with what he feared was hope. He wanted to believe but the reality of his condition—his life—made it difficult to hold out for something as elusive as hope. Far too often that fragile filament would shatter under the weight of despair.
“They approached me in a village near their home. I’ve been in too many shitty towns and villages to remember the name. Dak wouldn’t say how he knew about me. I didn’t really give a fuck as long as his coin was good. When he told me what he wanted, I turned him down. Told him if some stupid bastard didn’t have balls enough to take control of his own life, it wasn’t my fuckin’ problem.”
Talon could imagine how Dak reacted to Shadow’s attitude. The man radiated control and dominance. “I take it he didn’t care for your answer.”
“That is one scary mother-fucker when he starts yellin’. I was halfway out the door when that little wife of his stopped me. She might look like a puff of air would blow her away but she stood up to that giant mountain of attitude like he was a young pup. With just a few softly spoken words she convinced him to back off and me to stay.”
“Yeah, she’s a handful. Put me in my place more than once.” Talon remembered their arrival in Cypriana. Kierin was as determined to get rid of him as he was to stay near her. This time he didn’t fight the grin twitching his lips. “So what did she say to convince you to go along with Dak’s plan?”
“None of your fuckin’ business! You wanna hear this or not?”
Talon held his hands up in mock surrender. “You have
a captive audience of one.”
“Asshole,” she muttered under her breath but he heard her. “I can show you several ways you can get close enough to Draagon to take your revenge. It won’t be easy and it won’t happen overnight. If you’re willing to work hard and listen to me and do what I say,” she spoke each word slowly and distinctly to be sure he heard and understood. “You just might learn something.”
“If I agree to all of this, just what will I have to do?” He wasn’t sure if he believed her but if she could…did he dare reach for that elusive wisp of hope?
“Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way. The training is progressive and I’ll tell you what and how when the time comes. You either agree—totally—or the whole deal goes down the crapper.”
“What about you?” Talon wished he could see her expression because there was just the tiniest flash of color spiking around her body.
“What the hell do you mean…me?”
“I mean, if I have to give up total control of my mind, body, and soul…not to mention a river of good ale, what are you giving up?” Another flash of color made him grin. Damn. This is fun. What would it take to light her up like a fireworks explosion?
“This isn’t a negotiation, dumbass. My contract is with Dak.”
“My point exactly.” Talon explained. “It appears that I’m the only one who will be inconvenienced by this contract of yours. So I ask again, what are you giving up?”
“You’re out of your fuckin’ mind if you think I’m playing this game. Now answer my damn question.”
Talon thought for several minutes. He had already decided to take Shadow’s offer but he let the suspense build just to see if he could trigger another genuine reaction. The tapping of her foot grew louder and faster and he knew she was ready to explode.
“I’ll agree to your terms and follow your instructions to the letter…IF…you give up cussing for the same period of time.”
“Why you miserable, drunken…how dare…low-down, worthless…I honestly can’t think of anything shitty enough to describe what I think of you and your negotiation!”