No Stone Unturned Read online

Page 6

  “If it’s a scene we’re calling Coleman out. He’s on call,” announced Mia as she picked up the phone.


  “Sex Crimes Boden. Okay. How do you know it’s him? Okay. How far out are you? Copy. Yeah, we’ll be here. One of you can stop at 4 to get the paperwork you’ll need to hold him. Tow the car to #2.”

  “Let me guess, we have one in custody.”

  “Yep. Looks like they got the guy that picked up Josie. They’ll be here in about ten minutes,” said Mia. “You can thank Mac. He’s been out looking for this guy since we left them.”

  Frankie smiled, “Of course he was.”

  As if on cue, Mac walked into the squad room with a smile on his face. “Did I screw up your plans for the night?”

  “Actually…” started Mia.

  “Where’d you get him Mac?” interrupted Frankie.

  Mac told the pair about the car chase and eventual capture.

  “We need you to stay here and get your reports done,” directed Mia.

  “Of course. Gonna be a late night?”

  “Yeah. I just hope she can ID him,” said Frankie. Picking up the phone she got the Emergency Department charge nurse on the phone. “This is Detective Thomas with KCPD. Is Josie Brewster still there? Okay, can you please ask the nurse to hold her until I get there? It’ll be about twenty minutes? Thanks.”

  Mia got Mac the paperwork he needed while Frankie put together a photographic line-up. Walking out the door she said, “Wish me luck!”

  Frankie could hear Mia and Mac yell, “Luck” as she got onto the elevator.

  The drive to County was brief. When Frankie walked through the doors she only hesitated for a moment. She entered the examination room and could tell Josie was starting to get impatient. Without explanation she asked, “Do you think you would be able to identify the man who attacked you?”

  Josie fidgeted on the table, “I think so. Do you have him?”

  Frankie kept her voice calm as she explained the process. “I’m not sure. I have some photographs I’d like you to look at. If you recognize the man I want you sign the photograph and tell me where you know him from. If you don’t recognize anyone, it’s okay. We’ll keep looking.”

  Nodding Josie answered, “Okay.”

  She looked at the photographs in silence. When she got to Sawyer’s photograph she said, “That’s him! That’s the motherfucker that raped me. That’s him!”

  She leaned back on the bed and hit the pillows with her clenched fists. Her face contorted in a rage. “What happens now?”

  Frankie explained the process.

  “He had a name tag hanging from the mirror of his car but grabbed it and put it in his pocket. Did they find it?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll check.” Frankie grabbed her cellphone and dialed Mac’s number.

  “Hey Frankie, did she ID him?” Mac asked.

  “Did he have anything in his pocket when you picked him up?”

  “Just a wallet and a name tag.”

  “You don’t say,” replied Frankie. “Thanks. Tell Mia we have a positive ID. I’ll be back shortly.”

  Josie looked at Frankie and asked, “Well?”

  “He had a nametag in his pocket.”

  “How long can you hold him?”

  “24 hours. Unless they charge him. Then he’ll have to make bond.”

  Josie exhaled with force. Frankie thought she saw a glimmer of tears in Josie’s eyes.

  Chapter 24

  The table in the squad room was littered with case files. Mia had filled the white board with notes attempting to connect other cases to the man in custody.

  Looking towards the board Frankie asked, “What do you have here?”

  “Josie gave the first three on the license plate at 7BH. I pulled Allie’s case file and she gave us a license plate of 78H Y8B.”

  “It would be easy to mistake a B for an 8,” interrupted Frankie.

  “Absolutely. And they both said his name was Allen. The guy we have in custody is Allen Sawyer. What did Brooklyn’s mom say about the guy that raped her?”

  Brooklyn was one of the teenagers Frankie mentored through her organization, VISION. A couple of months prior her mother, Asia, had been picked up by a stranger, beaten, and raped. Frankie and Mia took her to the hospital for a medical exam but she wouldn’t make a police report.

  “She didn’t. But I can try to reach out to her again. It looks like we have at least two victims with this guy. Maybe three if Asia can ID him. Let’s get the Perpetrator Information Center to query for any reports that have a similar pattern. He picks them up around Independence Avenue and drives to a secluded place where he rapes and dumps them. It doesn’t appear that he kidnaps them – he lures them into his car with charm or money then flips the switch as soon as they are comfortable.”

  “I’ll email them and see what they can send us. Crime Scene is en route to process him.”

  Before Frankie could respond a booming voice rang out, “Frank-eeee.”

  Smiling she turned to see a mountain of a man walking through the doorway, ducking his head to clear the jamb.

  “Rhino!” She stood up to half-shake hands, half-hug the bear-sized man. Joel Pallerhinoshki earned the nickname Rhino when he played football for the University of Missouri; partially from his size and partially because no one could pronounce his last name correctly. He and Frankie had been friends for years, working cases and volunteering on community projects together.

  “How’s it goin’ Mia?”

  “Hey Rhino! How’s your family?”

  The trio made small talk briefly before turning back to the business at hand. Rhino pulled his notepad from his bag and asked, “What do we have?”

  “Allen Simon Sawyer. Black Male. Date of birth 1/24/67. Investigative hold for rape. Case number is 075218. Victim is at County getting a kit done.” Frankie rattled off the details she knew Rhino needed for his reports. “We are pretty sure he’s connected to one of Mia’s cases and possibly others.”

  “How many?”

  “Not sure. Mia’s going to contact PIC and see if they can send us a list of reports that fit this guy’s description and MO.”

  “Did he sign consent or did you have to get a warrant?”

  “Consent. You ready?”

  Rhino winked at the women and replied, “I’m always ready.”

  Chapter 25

  Frankie went to the detention unit on the 8th floor to retrieve Allen. After a few minutes of small talk with the detention officer, Allen was removed from the holding cell and released to Frankie to be escorted to the 4th floor interrogation room. Allen towered over her, but Frankie had a firm grip on his arm that let him know she could handle herself if he tried anything stupid.

  As the elevator doors closed a deep voice quietly said, “You know I’m not going to talk to you, right?”

  “Right now, we just want to execute the consent to search you signed.”

  The elevator doors opened and Frankie escorted Allen to the interrogation room where Rhino and Mia were waiting.

  Rhino explained the process of evidence collection to Allen.

  “Did the detention officers take your clothes upstairs?”


  Rhino methodically went through the collection, carefully packaging and labeling each envelope and tube. Once he was finished Frankie directed Allen to sit, advising him she and Mia would be back shortly.

  “Do you want some water?”


  “Okay, give me a few minutes.” Frankie shut and locked the door from the outside.

  “Do you think he’s going to talk? He was pretty quiet while I was scraping and swabbing.”

  “Dude, I don’t think he’s used to guys being bigger than him. He was scared as hell when he saw you hulking there!” said Mia with a laugh.

  “I do have that effect on people,” chuckled Rhino.

  “I’ve got the docs we need. Rhino, do you need anything els
e from us?” Frankie asked.

  “Nope, I’m good. I’ll send Ash by to get the kit from County tomorrow night.”

  “Good deal. Thanks again for coming down.”

  “Anytime,” echoed down the hall as he walked down the hall towards the elevator.

  Frankie looked at the board where Mia had been making notes. Picking up her file folder she nodded to Mia and asked, “Ready?”

  Mia grabbed her case folder and followed Frankie to the interrogation room.

  Slapping the case files on the table Frankie and Mia sat down across from Allen. Frankie pulled out a few forms and started collecting basic biographical data. Allen was hesitant at first but eventually began to answer. Frankie used every question to make small talk. She wanted to set him at ease; get him to let his guard down.

  “You were in the Army? How long?”

  “Yeah. Uh, about twelve years.”

  “Really? Where was your favorite place to be stationed?”

  “Hmmm. I don’t know. I liked Germany but North Carolina was okay too.”

  “I’ve never been to Germany. Did you travel a lot while you were there?”

  “Pretty much. I was a train ride from everything.”

  Frankie went to the next set of questions, continuing to distract Allen from the real reason they were there. After about twenty minutes she pulled the Miranda Waiver from her folder and asked him to read it aloud.

  Allen read the document then asked, “Do I need a lawyer?”

  Careful not to infringe upon his rights Frankie answered, “It’s up to you. This is your opportunity to tell us your side of the story. If you want a lawyer I’ll take you back upstairs but if you want to talk I’ll listen and tell the prosecutor what you said.”

  “What’s this about anyway?”

  “A woman has made some allegations against you.”

  “What kind of allegations?”

  “Allen, if you want to talk I need you to sign this document.”

  He looked from Frankie to Mia then back to the form. They watched his hands as he played with the pen, both remembering the victims saying his behavior would suddenly change. After a few moments, Allen stood up and said, “I’m ready to go back upstairs.”

  Frankie and Mia were on their feet the moment he stood up.

  “Okay. Leave the pen on the table.”

  Dropping the pen, Allen stepped from around the table. Frankie grabbed his arm and led him back to the elevator. When the doors to the elevator closed, he looked down and said, “I told you I wasn’t going to talk.”

  Frankie returned to the squad room, dropping onto her chair with a loud sigh.

  “Are you really surprised?” Mia asked.

  “No, but I am disappointed.”

  “Yeah. I’d liked for him to have confessed – even if it was a half-ass confession.”

  Frankie nodded, turned to her computer, and began typing her reports.

  Chapter 26

  Frankie and Mia worked on their reports in relative silence. When she finished, Frankie stood up, twisted and stretched, then said, “You about done?”

  “I think I’ve done about as much as I can do tonight. Is it really 2am?”

  “Yeah. I’m glad the kids are with Sophie tonight.”

  “How’s your little sister doing?”

  “Sophie’s just fine. She has been a life saver the last few weeks. With school, they can’t stay down at mom’s during the week. I have a feeling her help is about to end though. She has a new man-friend.” Laughing Frankie added, “Having the kids around might cramp her style a bit.”

  “Good for her! She needs a nice guy.” Changing her tone Mia asked, “How are James and Keith?”

  The smile faded from Frankie’s face. Involuntarily her thoughts flashed back to James being brought into the Emergency Department. She relied on him and his partner Keith and they were hurting because of her. She knew they didn’t blame her, but she blamed herself.

  “Frankie,” nudged Mia.

  Snapping from her memory Frankie answered, “Sorry. They are good. James is restless and says he is tired of Keith babying him, but secretly I think he loves it. They are actually going to stay with the kids when I come back from days off.”

  “It’ll get back to normal, Frankie.”

  “Mmhmm.” Frankie blinked her eyes, “If you’ll put the info on the board I’ll go make another copy of the case file so the day squad can take it to the prosecutor’s office in the morning.”

  “You gonna let the day crew process the car?”

  “Unless you feel like going out there tonight. Sawyer might be willing to sign consent.”

  “I’m game. Want me to go ask him?”

  Frankie nodded and walked out the door to make copies. She was just finishing up when Mia returned.

  “No Bueno. In fact, he was kind of an ass.”

  Frankie laughed.

  “I guess the novelty of being in custody has worn off. Glad I drafted a search warrant! I’ll have the other squad get the warrant signed and we can process it on Thursday.”

  Mia yawned in response.

  “I think we have a full squad Thursday night – maybe we can go find Tre’s momma too.”

  Chapter 27

  Frankie was wired when she put the case file on the table for the day shift. With her kids and the dog at Sophie’s she really didn’t want to go home to an empty house. She picked up her phone to text Derek when, as if by design, her phone beeped with an incoming text.

  “Saw lights on – working late?”

  “Hmm awfully late text. Derek wanting a late-night visit?” teased Mia.

  Looking at her phone she couldn’t help but smile as she typed, “Just about to wrap it up. What are you doing out so late? Hot date? ;)”

  “No, Derek’s got an early docket in the morning. It’s Craven. He saw our lights on.”

  Mia didn’t immediately respond. Jim Craven was the FBI agent they worked the organized crime case with. The late nights and high stress situations they experienced had solidified a solid friendship. It was obvious to everyone but Frankie that Craven was interested in being more than just her friend.

  “Got caught up doing surveillance. Up for a drink? Kelly’s?”

  “Sure. I’ll be on my way in 5.”

  “Want to grab a drink on your way home? Craven suggested Kelly’s?”

  “Sure. Erik’s working off duty. I’ll see if he wants to swing by after.”

  The drive to Kelly’s Pub took about fifteen minutes and Frankie’s mind raced the entire drive. She felt something akin to guilt. She and Derek had never defined their relationship and some would argue they didn’t really have one. He had never met her kids and she had never met any of his family. They had never talked about not seeing other people and meeting Craven for a drink was not a date. Since the night of the shooting Frankie had been fighting a nagging feeling that Derek was hiding something about his relationship with his co-counsel. She’d only said the words aloud to one person, but she’d thought them plenty over the past month.

  Frankie parked her Jeep next to Mia’s Echo in the lot across from Kelly’s Pub. She waited at the back of the car while Mia said good-bye to her husband Erik.

  “Is Erik coming?”

  “No. He’s worn out. They served a couple of warrants today and then he worked off-duty so he’s going home to sleep.”

  “Frankie!” a booming voice called from inside the pub.

  As she and Mia approached Craven she thought she saw a glimmer of disappointment in his face. Craven enveloped the women in a hug. After saying their hellos, they found seats towards the back of the bar.

  “What are you ladies drinking tonight?”

  “Bud Light for me,” said Frankie. “The colder, the better.”

  “Girl after my own heart.”

  “Boulevard Show and Tell for me,” said Mia.

  “You got it.”

  “Frankie, what are you doing?” Mia asked when Craven got to the bar.r />
  “Having a drink, same as you.”

  “Seems like you might be playing with fire. What about Derek?”

  “What about him? Jim and I are just friends.” Frankie paused before saying, “Can I ask you something?”

  Mia nodded.

  Frankie was hesitant to speak her fears aloud. “What do you think about him and Jessica Moon leaving together the night they were shot?”

  “What did he say they were doing?” Mia knew Frankie and Derek had a strange relationship but it seemed to work for them so she had never said anything.

  “He didn’t. He basically said they were walking to their cars when they were shot but I don’t buy it. The first officers on the scene told me how they were found. They were crumpled on the ground beside the passenger side door of his car. I mean, we never said…”

  Sitting the drinks down Craven said, “Looks like I am interrupting a serious conversation here.”

  “Perfect timing,” was Frankie’s response.

  Craven kept the women entertained for the time it took to drink a couple of beers. He had grown up in a fishing village in North Carolina before becoming a police officer in Chicago. His stories ranged from night fishing and bonfires on the beach to car chases in a busy city. Craven regaled them with images that left them holding their sides in laughter.

  “Am I losing my touch?” Craven asked as Mia yawned.

  “Not at all. It’s just been a long day. Besides, I think it’s time to go wake the hubs up.” She winked at Frankie then said, “We will finish our talk later.”

  “Drive safe Mia. See you Thursday.”

  Craven and Mia said their good-byes, leaving him and Frankie at the table by themselves.

  “What’s that all about?”

  “Hmm? What’s what all about?”

  Craven wasn’t going to let her off that easy. “Let me guess. She’s worried about you and I hanging out because of the counselor.”

  “Something like that.”

  Reading her mind, Craven asked, “Did he ever tell you where they were going that night?”

  Although Frankie hadn’t seen Craven since the shooting they had talked on the phone and texted. She had shared her concerns with him. He suggested she ask Derek directly but knew she was afraid of what his answer would be.